Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Leibster Award

I received my 2nd award!  :)  Exciting times, y'all!  

I've seen this award around blog land, and was curious about it.  So when I received it, I decided to do some research.  I Googled.  I had no idea what a liebster was.  Honestly, the first thing to come to mind?  

Lobsters.  That's right.  

 To no surprise of my own, the Liebster Blog Award has nothing to do with lobsters.  Imagine that.

I learned that the Liebster Blog Award:
  • originated in Germany
  • "liebster" is German for "dearest," "beloved," and/or "favorite"
  • "lieb" means "loves"
  • The award is typically given to smaller bloggers & somewhere along the way, someone decided that 200 followers or less means that you have a small blog.
  • The award is given to bloggers who deserve more recognition.

I'm addicted to Google & I think it's GOOD to know the history about things.  Don't judge me as a dork, please.  :)  

OH, and more thing!  The award comes with RULES!  Don't worry, not dress code rules or speed limit signs.  Good rules!  The kinds of rules I don't mind following.  Check it: 

The Leibster Blog Award Rules
<3   Thank the person who gave you the award and provide YOUR readers a link to check them out.
<3  Give the award to 5 of your favorite bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  Don't forget to provide links!
<3  This one is easy because you'll WANT to do it first!  Post the award on your blog!  :) 
<3  Bask in the love from fellow bloggers - they are they best, aren't they?!
<3  Have fun, spread the karma, & whisper a little prayer for the blogger who tagged you & for the bloggers you are tagging!  


Meet Whitney
She gave me the award.

Thank you to Whitney from The Land of Sunshine for deeming me worthy.  :)  I'm flattered, especially now that I know what the award means AND because I love your blog & it's fun to be recognized by people I like!  If y'all don't read her blog, start now & I'm not kidding..  She is the sweetest & prettiest girl in all the land - and she's a great weight-loss pal.  :)  Even though we've never met IRL, she's the kind of person who will tell you straight up that you're making excuses & need to get your butt in gear.  :)  Seriously.  She told me.  And I dig it.  So, go check her out because she's real.  & real awesome.  :)    

And the award goes to....
{in no particular order}

These Moments
Tiffany at All Because Two People Fell in Love

always button
Karla at Always Kiss Me Goodnight

Monica at The Musings of Lil Moo Moo

Bethany at Healthy is the New Skinny

 Mr.C & Me 
Meg from Mr. C & Me

These ladies are my FAVS!  I keep in regular contact with all 5 of them, they are not listed in order of importance, and each of them are WELL worth your time!  :)  I swear it to be check them out!  They deserve to be recognized even though they are "small" bloggers, like myself.  I could go on and on for DAYS as to why I picked these 5, but if you go their blogs they will show you all on their own.  

To everyone else...thanks for helping my blog grow!  :)  I don't want to be cheesy & over-the-top.  I'm aware this isn't a Grammy Award or anything, haha!  I have been meaning to write about this for a little blog has been growing lately & I've met some pretty amazing ladies!  Thank you to everyone who's left a comment, grabbed a button, sent me an e-mail, written a guest post, featured me as a guest poster, or brightened my day in any way at all!  Y'all are awesome & blogging is SO fun.  Thanks for following!  & if you aren't following..I hope you will start!  (And don't forget that soon, we'll HAVE to start following each other with Google+ or BlogLovin' or some other website.  So, try out Google+ today please!  I'd hate to lose  y'all!)



♥ ♥ Just a Girl in Love w/ a Soldier ♥ ♥ said...

AWH, thanks so much LOVE you are the sweetest. Im so glad to have met you through the blogger world!!!!!!!!! I love reading your blog and your journey as a new wife.

Val - said...

Congrats on your Leibster award! :-) I'm going to check out some of the blogs you mentioned in this post now, I'm excited!

Also, I added your blog to my blogroll!

lilmoomoo said...

I totally thought of lobsters when I first heard of the Liebster blog award..
You are too sweet :)
If it isn't incredibly obvious that I love your blog (by 524839423 emails/comments etc.) then I'm telling you..