Sunday, January 22, 2012

My First "Wish Out Loud" Link Up!

Happy Sunday-Funday! 
funny, that doesn't mean the same thing it meant to me when I was in college.
I adore Sunday's now and what they mean - even though it's completely different.  

I decided to link-up with Wish Out Loud today (for the very first time) because this week, I actually have a wish.  And also because I'm blogging on a Sunday, which is unusual for me.  So, go join in on the fun if you also have a wish on your heart.  It's quite therapeutic.    

There was some confussion for me because I couldn't get the code to work...and then on some blog feedback I received, I learned that I should let y'all know if it is a blog hop or a link-up party.  I am still new at this and learning lots.  I didn't know there was a difference, so here is a link for this particularly amazing Blog Hop.  I hope you'll join in on the fun because you have ALL WEEK to write a WISH and link-up!  


This morning at our church, the men took over the service.  It was Baptist Men's Day and I was so proud of my husband for participating.  He is really growing in his role as a husband and spiritual leader of our home and it just tickles my soul's fancy.  

We started a Bible study last week on Hearing God's Voice and knowing His will.  Each day, there is homework to be completed.  Well, we haven't done our homework every day and had to double up a few times.  Last night, one of the lessons we looked at was on making ourselves accessible to hearing God's voice.  It really clicked with me and got me super excited about all the things He is doing in my/our life.  

On of the little exercises was to check the ways God has spoken to you.  Through song?  sermon?  Christian conference?  mission workers?  small-group studies?  And the list went on and on.  I checked quite a few because, growing up, my parents forced/encouraged me to participate a lot.  So, logically, God has spoken to me - where I've felt that tiny, goosebump-y stir in my heart - in lots of different ways because I've watched the movies, read the books, gone to the activities, listened to the music, and so on.  I've been accessible and He showed up.  

There were, however, several boxes that I left un-checked.  While it good that the majority of my boxes had check marks in them, I wish I could have checked all of the boxes.  I wish I was more accessible.  

So, that's my wish.  

I wish that I could be more accessible to God so that He will speak to me and into me more.  

One would think that such a task would be so simple.  Ok, just do it!  Participate in more Jesus- stuff!  Right?  Not so much.  Sometimes, there's just not the money.  Sometimes it would feel financially irresponsible to claim about $200 of our money as my own so that I can go to a woman's Christian conference for a weekend.  Devoting an entire weekend and a big chunk-o-change to this feels a little selfish...and that's not what I want.  I don't want to be selfish.  So, situations like that make being more accessible to God a little more difficult than you or I would initially think.  Which is why, this Sunday, my wish is to be able to tell everyone what God has done for me and what He is doing for me right now and to go and participate in as much as I can, and be the Christian and person I should be.  

What's your wish?


1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Great wish! By the way, I laughed out loud at how your definition of Sunday Funday is different now! Too funny!