It sounds naughty, but it's not! I am actually thrilled to death because this is the first time that my husband has spontaneously surprised me. He's given me presents and stuff....and he's surprised me...but this is my first "for no reason" gift and it deserves a post all to itself. Especially since the post earlier this morning was about our usual fights. (Click here to check it out! It's pretty amazing, if I do say so myself!) (And don't forget to click that lil' button on the left side bar to sign up for our Color Run Team & Blogger Meet Up in Charlotte, NC!!) Moving on...
We drove to church separate on Wednesday night because the plan was for Mr. R to attend his men's Bible study after the service. However, the service ran late and the guys decided to postpone their meeting again. However, we still had two cars at church. So after I finished talking to everyone, I got in my car and went home. I noticed in my rear-view mirror that my hubby was talking to my parents. I thought it was odd, but figured he was just checking out their new car or something. Whatever, I head on down the road towards our house. Once I'm home, I get on the computer and start poking around. Shortly after, he walks in the door and starts throwing these small little packages at my face. These little, tiny baggies are flying all over the living room and I was confused. Did not understand what was going on.
I picked them up. I opened one. They were panties!! :) And not just panties, Victoria's Secret panties!! And not just VS panties, San Francisco Giant's VS panties!!! Let me explain my excitement...
You guys remember Zombie, right? Our pet chihuahua?! :)
Zombie's favorite snack guessed dirty panties. He has no use for clean panties. Just the worn-ones. And apparently, he prefers my really, really cute ones. Slowly but surely, my stash of cute little panties have turned into dinner and I'm stuck with a drawer full of granny-panties and holy panties that used to be cute. I've been saying for months now that I'm going to buy some more panties. I just haven't done it, yet. could be getting a little tight soon with Mr.'s new job. I didn't want to be selfish...I didn't want to buy something unnecessary because, as unattractive as my panties are, they are still functional. New panties are not necessary. I also have expensive taste, so if I'm going to buy something...I'm going to buy what I want. Anyway. So that's the story about why I have ugly panties.
Also, my husband is a HUGE SF Giants fan because of their pitcher, Tim Lincecum. (Mostly because he thinks they looked alike when my hubby had long hair. I'll let you be the judge...)
(Left: Mr. Robinson, Right: Tim Lincecum)
Thus was born....the surprise panties! :) I love my sweet hubby and the little ways he brightens my day! The panties are super comfy, they're a style I haven't tried before but they look pretty awesome on my boo~tay. :) Also, they're the hubs' favorite team. We are all pleased, ;) Except, maybe, for Zombie...who will never get his grubby little puppy paws on these undies!
He gave me one other pair, but they aren't showing up on the VS website and I'm no super model, so those won't be appearing on the blog. :) I just love him to pieces...he's such an awesome provider for our family in both big and small ways. :-D

haha & this is why i love you! "I'm no super model, so those won't be appearing on the blog." great! and may i just say that mr.c's family dog also loves worn underwear. he's chewed many a hole through mine&other family members undapantz + sweatpants. ridiculous...
ohhhh i love your new cute panties!!! kudos to your hubby for getting them for you!! you are BEAUTIFUL.. no need to say you're no super model ;) you are in our eyes. :D
Gah, they just get ya sometimes! That is too sweet!
OMG this post is freaking hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!
Haha, that is funny, and adorable at the same time! Maybe if you had a special lingerie bag that you put your panties into as soon as you take them off... that way you just drop it in the wash, and Zombie never has a chance!
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