"Fill This Out Or I'll Beat You" was the subject of an e-mail I sent to my husband tonight. As he sat across from me. I saw the idea on Bethany's blog. Seriously, her idea verbatim, even down to the subject line of the e-mail. :) I'm not all that original, but let me tell you..my husband is. And while some of his answers
are quite inappropriate & I asked him to change them, he refused. So...Meet The Robinson's. Filter-free! *Don't say I didn't warn you!*
i am *mr. r*
i want a nap, and sex and dags
i have a big shlong (so u say)
i wish that i wasnt so tired
i hate traffic
i fear i wont succeed in Aflac
i hear i have a big penis
i search on google
i wonder if i'll kill a turkey in the morning
i regret giving Zoe back
i love you
i ache in my shoulders
i always want to take a nap
i usually something
i am still *mr. r*
i dance amazingly
i sing horribly but very loudly in my car
i never get enough sleep
i rarely feel satisfied after a meal, even when im full im still hungry
i cry when something moves me
i am not james bond
i lose weight when i dont exercise
im confused about the way your mind works
i need to take a nap
i should totally take a nap or have sex,bc i need your vagina!!
I am...Mrs. Robinson :)
I want... to love my job again.
I have... been losing weight! =)
I wish... for a trip to Mexico this summer..
I hate... when we get into fights.
I fear... change.
I hear... the hum of the computer & the fridge. quiet house when hubby is away!
I search...google ALLTHETIME
I wonder...how people perceive me.
I regret...so many things. too many things.
I love...Zombie!!
I ache...when I realize that my face has aged.. ew.
I always...get quite nostalgic when I think about how much I've changed overall.
I usually...walk out the door with my hair wet.
I am...SO excited about all of the big things God is doing right now!
I dance...horrible. I dance horribly.
I sing...not so well, although the hubby swears he likes my singing voice. I think it's a trick to get my va-china, though.
I never...miss a meal. haha
I rarely...get to spend time relaxing or just laying out.
I cry...at the drop of the hat these days. Did getting married have that effect on everybody or just me?
I am not...who I used to be.. and I hope my husband will love me anyway.
I lose...my cell phone daily.
I'm confused...by men. GRR!
I need to...go to bed.
I should...probably not eat this cookie I'm about to eat.. but it's gluten free because I won it in a giveaway from Bethany's blog!!! whoop!!

love it! haha i'd do this too but mr.c's answers would be equally inappropriate. :)
Hahahah! Love that you left it unfiltered. Definitely something my hubs would say for many of those answers. Why try to hide the fact that guys are guys and they totally say things like that.
Oh my, this is HILARIOUS!
And I hope you get that trip to Mexico this summer! : )
Oh I love it, and spoken from a true man!!!!!
LOLOLOLOLOL at mr robinsons I have.... OMG this made me laugh so hard!
OMGAH I AM DYING! I think Mr R and Shawn [and I] will get along JUST fine! :)
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