Mr. Robinson's last day with the company he's currently with will be next Wednesday, the 21st. He will start his new job on March 26th, and we are VERY excited to see where this new journey will take us.
We are absolutely confident that this is where God wants us to be.
It's funny because late last week, we received an e-mail containing an application.
He'd been pursuing a job particular job in town, but there were no positions available.
Now that he's accepted a new job, the office he had been hoping to work at sends him an application. Anyway, I'm getting side tracked. My point is funny sometimes.
His new job, while we are very excited, will mean that for a little while we will be living off of my income alone. It's not a big deal, and we know that our Lord will provide. However, we feel like it is wise to prepare for the worst-case scenario. List most people, we spend the majority of our money on food. I love grocery shopping. Truthfully, I adore it and look forward to it all the time. I day dream about fresh produce and making delicious meals. I can spend hours in the grocery store. Oh, and hundreds of dollars. No big deal, right?
Well, I'd love to cut back on some spending, especially since we are preparing for a pretty big change. We are out of fresh veggies (with the exception of an onion, a few baby carrots, and three celery stalks). We're also out of MOST of our favorite foods. It kind of sucks, but I'm determined to stay away from the grocery story until we absolutely have run. out. of. food. It's time for the Robinson's to clean out the cupboards! We have tons of canned goods and foods pushed back into the backs of the freezer and cabinets and shelves. Food hides from us at our house, and maybe at your house, too. So the plan is to try and save money by eating the food we already have - because we have plenty. Are we up to our ears in our favorite foods? No....but will we go hungry without our favorites? No.
{If you are interested in cleaning out your cupboard & saving a little money, check out this article. *Thanks Megan!}
{If you are interested in cleaning out your cupboard & saving a little money, check out this article. *Thanks Megan!}
It'll be interested to see what I come up with, since I hate following recipes in the first place. ;) I won't be blogging about what we'll just have to follow along on Twitter to watch the magic unfold! =)
Oh, & speaking of next Wednesday....make sure to come back. I've got something amazing up my sleeve! You won't want to miss it!

We are doing the SAME thing this week! My husband gets paid every two weeks and that sometimes messes with how and when we pay bills... and so this week food has been the sacrifice. We have a freezer full of spaghetti sauce, chili and soup, so we definitely won't go hungry! Good luck!
I loveeeeeee grocery shopping, too... but only at Whole Foods. I loathe the days I have to walk in wal-mart! LOL!
good luck with your food adventure! :) p.s it's funny that you posted about this today b/c i just read this: ---you might get some good ideas from it (and there are tons of great suggestions in the comments too)
and congrats on mr.r's new job - super exciting! p.s.
I loathe wal-mart, too!!!!
I need to do the same thing, eat what we have! Our food definitely hides in our house, too...but I keep on buying and buying.
Hi! I was going to reply to your comment in an e-mail but you're a no-reply-blogger. When I checked out your blog, it wouldn't let me comment. =( I was excited because we have the same wedding dress! haha =) Anyway, thanks for the comment! You should check out the link that Megan has some pretty cool ideas about how to keep food from hiding..haha
Oh, I know what you mean! Like Tamara said, this week has been food sacrifice in our home! B gets paid every two weeks too, & let's just say BILLS, BILLS, BILLS! Ugh. ha We have some stuff, but I am not as creative as you coming up with meals, ha!
I never use to follow recipes...EVER. But ever since I started planning meals and using recipes, I have cut my grocery bill down by and average of $60 per month! I think it's because I write down a list of only the ingredients I need, and don't buy the extra things that we don't need. Sometimes I stray away from the recipes a little, and sometimes I end up running out in the middle of the week to buy something, but otherwise it's totally working for us!
And congrats to your hubby on his new job! I hope the transition is easy and stress free for both of you! : )
I am the same way sometimes lol, I do enjoy the shopping and buying loads of new yummy foods for dinners and what not. We spend a good couple hours at the Commissary when we go. But I will use every last item we have to make a meal before going to the store again, we never have stock on anything because we eat everything. Cant wait to hear how the hubbs likes his new job.
Your hubby will do great.
I just know it :)
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