Thursday, May 24, 2012


I am very much so a "list" person.  You know the kind.  To-do lists, shopping lists, lists of places I've been, lists of songs to download, lists of meals for the month, lists of daily exercises to complete, lists of things to do at work, lists of people to talk to, lists of people I've already talked to, lists of blog post ideas, and the list goes on and on.  (Ha)   So when I see lists like "101 in 1001" and "30 under 30," something inside of me wants to make a giant to-do list for my life.  Or, you know, for the next few years.  

But it's so overwhelming!  There are so many things I want to many things I want to do with my new husband but they aren't really "unique" at all.  So I worry the list would seem dumb.  I think this is my favorite 101 in 1001 list I've seen because it's so thorough and diverse.  Would it be bad to just make a copy of her list?  Haha!  I would change a few things...but for the most part, her list covers the bases I want to round some day.  

Or maybe I could make some mini-lists.  Or lists by the year, going with a "365" theme.   Maybe lists for different seasons of my life?  I could do a Newlywed List, a list of the middle years, a list for retirement?   I've also heard of literal seasonal lists - a list for spring, summer, fall, & winter.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  Maybe.  When it comes to life lists, there are so many options.    

I want to spend some more time pondering this idea..coming up with something similar but also something just different enough to fit my life exactly right.  Like a favorite pair of jeans.  Or like a favorite pair of Spanx.  :)   It'd also be fun to make a list with my husband.  Maybe we could do a vlog about it?  Haha!  =)  On the other hand, there are some things I'd like to do that don't involve dying my hair a crazy color or getting something pierced to make me feel young again.  Not that I'm old...I'm 23.  I'm sure many of y'all just rolled your eyes at me.  And yes, I'm 23 but when I look at some of the things my "peers" are doing, I feel old.  I feel like as much as I love my life and my husband and my God, I've lost a part of the girl I was for 22 years.  I'm not crazy spontaneous anymore because I have responsibilities - I have a job I will probably stay at until I retire and I have people I am answerable to.  It's a wonderful life to have, but it means I don't just answer to myself anymore and it means I have to consider others before I act.  I didn't always do that, and it made life fascinating and interesting.  It also made for a quite sinful life and ultimately a lonely life, and I don't miss that part.  Nobody wants to grow old with a selfish person, you know?  I just don't want to lose my spontaneous and wild spirit.  If that makes any sense at all...  And maybe some long, crazy list would help me hold onto the FUN parts of who I am.  And drownd out the responsible voice in my head from time to time.  That makes me sound like I want to be irresponsible, and I don't.  {I'm rambling.  Sorry.}         

Maybe one day you'll see a tab up at the top indicating that I've made such a list.  I promise you one thing, though.  If there ever is a list, it'll be legend.....wait for it...



Meg @ Mr.C and Me said...

I also like lists but sadly seem to abandon them lol I'm all gung-ho initially but after a few months or so they get left behind, forgotten (well, obviously not the gorcery list). i'm sure you'll find one that fits you - or piece together a few to make it your own. I enjoyed making my "life list" as if keeps reminding me to do strive for things, both big and small.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

-DARY! (ha, because I'm retarded and can't spell!)

Holly said...

I am such a list person too! :)
I say go for it! Make lists of things you want to do, I recently did and I loved it :)

Lauren said...

Oooo girl I got you on lists. I am SUCH a list person too. It drives my husband crazy;-) I have lists for school, lists for home, lists for chores, grocery lists, book lists, life lists, etc, etc, etc. Fabulous post, my dear!

RadiantKristen said...

I laughed reading this post, because you make lists to hold onto your fun and wild spirit. Ususally, I make lists to TONE DOWN my fun and wild spirit. I'm kinda perplexed by your need for a fun list, but I also appreciate that you want to remain youthful and joyful as you grow in years.

♥ ♥ Just a Girl in Love w/ a Soldier ♥ ♥ said...

Oh girl, I have lists for everything. Posted on the frig, in my planned, car counter, computer, it goes on and on b put it keeps my life straight and organized!!!